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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2023 → North Nor­way 06-13 Novem­ber, SV Anti­gua

North Norway 06-13 November with SV Antigua

Whales, northern lights and nordic landscapes on the edge of the polar night

SV Antigua 2023, Norway

SV Anti­gua in the polar night in north Nor­way (Arnøy­hamn).

North Nor­way with Anti­gua – wha­les and nor­t­hern light, snow and sce­n­ery, light and dark­ness and some char­ming places on the edge of the polar night. A week with the three mast tall­ship Anti­gua bet­ween Trom­sø and Kvæn­an­gen, on 70 degrees north. A good balan­ce of wha­le­wat­ching (three full days), nor­t­hern lights (on two evenings) and visits to some of the places in the area – three during that week during day­light, inclu­ding the oppor­tu­ni­ty for litt­le walks and hikes, accor­ding to tas­te, in the snow, plus the occa­sio­nal over­night in a har­bour with the chan­ce to stretch legs a litt­le bit in the evening or ear­ly mor­ning.

Belu­ga Adven­tures (Net­her­lands) and Legu­an Rei­sen (Ger­ma­ny) were the tour ope­ra­tors behind this trips.

For some back­ground infor­ma­ti­on of things that were cen­tral during the­se beau­tiful days, have a look at the­se pages:

Tri­plog: Nor­way with SV Anti­gua, 06 – 13 Novem­ber 2023

The­re are two ver­si­ons. The con­tent is the same, the dif­fe­rence is enti­re­ly in the file size/print qua­li­ty. Dutch/German text, any­way.

Impres­si­ons – north Nor­way with SV Anti­gua: Wha­les, nor­t­hern lights and (sub)arctic win­ter on the edge of the polar night

Open the­se pages for pho­to gal­le­ries of the various legs of this trips:



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last modification: 2023-11-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange