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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil


Panorama of a perl of arctic nature in Bellsund

Midterhukhamna, map

Mid­ter­huk­ham­na is loca­ted in the midd­le of Bell­sund.

Mid­ter­huk­ham­na is a small bay on the south side of Mid­ter­huk­fjel­let, in the cent­re of Bell­sund. That is the reason the moun­tain and the bay are cal­led that, the word ‘mid­ter’ refers to their posi­ti­on ‘in the midd­le’ (of the Bell­sund area).

The bay is well pro­tec­ted from the wind and waves from the west, some­thing that wha­lers, Pomors and trap­pers app­re­cia­ted. They all left their mark on Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and the sur­roun­ding area.

But that’s not the sub­ject here, that’s a topic for ano­ther page. The pic­tures on this page show Mid­ter­huk­ham­na as a small para­di­se of natu­re, start­ing with the coas­tal land­scape with a view of the beach on the east side, whe­re the wha­ling sta­ti­on (17th cen­tu­ry) was and the trapper’s hut from 1898 still stands.

The next two pan­o­r­amic views show the wave-cut plat­form on the south side of Mid­ter­huk­ham­na. It’s hard to ima­gi­ne the force of the surf that has smas­hed this flat area into the solid rock, but in a storm from the west the­re is not­hing bet­ween this shore and the open North Atlan­tic to slow down the force of the waves.

The wave-cut plast­form at low tide.

Final­ly, a trip to the west side of Mid­ter­huks­let­ta, as the plain that stret­ches around the moun­tain Mid­ter­huk­fjel­let is cal­led. A long time ago, some expe­di­ti­on built a cairn on the ridge, a pile of stones that ser­ved as a land­mark, pro­ba­b­ly as a sur­vey point. From here you have a won­derful pan­o­r­amic view over the enti­re Bell­sund.

Mid­ter­huk­ham­na – Pho­to gal­lery

And final­ly, a few more impres­si­ons of Mid­ter­huk­ham­na. The focus is on the striking wave-cut plat­form and the tun­dra of Mid­ter­huks­let­ta, the ‘flat’ land to the south and west of Mid­ter­huk­fjell, with the rocks, flowers, tun­dra …

The small hut you see seve­ral times is a trapper’s hut that was built in 2014, making it the youn­gest hun­ting hut/trapper’s hut in Sval­bard. It belongs to a Nor­we­gi­an hun­ter who uses the hun­ting grounds in Bell­sund from the main hut Akseløya and Kapp Schol­lin (Fri­dt­jov­ham­na).

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-12-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange