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Barentsburg: Lenin

360° panorama

The Lenin-sta­tue in Barents­burg is wit­hout any doubt an eye-cat­cher and a popu­lar pho­to-magnet. Of cour­se it is a relict of times long gone by, also in Barents­burg. Nobo­dy the­re would like to have com­mu­nism as under Lenin and Sta­lin back. But this mas­si­ve bust is now the­re and has been pho­to­gra­phed count­less times by tou­rists as a sym­bol of the histo­ry and the – for many – exo­tic visu­al cha­rac­te­ristics of the place.

The­re is ano­ther Lenin-sta­tue of the same kind in Pyra­mi­den. Then the­re is yet ano­ther one in Lon­gye­ar­by­en. If you include the lat­ter one alt­hough it is made of pla­s­tic, then the Barents­burg-Lenin is the third-nor­t­hern­most one in the world. At least as far as I know. Does anyo­ne know ano­ther Lenin that far north, for exam­p­le in Franz Josef Land?



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last modification: 2018-11-09 · copyright: Rolf Stange