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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil



Impres­si­ons from icy land­scapes in Nor­dens­ki­öld Land, not far from Lon­gye­ar­by­en. Tell­breen is easi­ly rea­ched in win­ter on ski or by snow mobi­le, whe­re­as it is much har­der to get the­re in sum­mer. The appe­re­an­ce of the land­scape will also vary great­ly with the sea­sons: in sum­mer, the melt­wa­ter caves of the gla­ciers, Tell­breen in this case, are fil­led with tor­ren­ti­al melt­wa­ter streams. In win­ter the melt­wa­ter chan­nels and caves are dry and it is an ama­zing expe­ri­ence to enter a gla­cier through a cave of ice. The beau­tiful ice caves shown in the­se pan­ora­mas were pho­to­gra­phed in 2013 and 2014, they col­lap­sed in fol­lo­wing years. Gla­ciers and their drai­na­ge sys­tems are con­stant­ly chan­ging, and new ones may evol­ve.

Tell­breen is in a side val­ley of Hel­ve­tia­da­len, which is con­nec­ting Advent­da­len nor­thwards to De Geerd­a­len and Sas­senfjord. A love­ly sum­mer hiking rou­te.

Tell­breen (-gla­cier) is one of many gla­ciers bet­ween Advent­da­len and Sas­senfjord. As many other gla­ciers, it has gla­cial caves: melt­wa­ter chan­nels that fall dry during the win­ter. Some of them are easy to access and offer ama­zing insight into the inte­riour of a gla­cier. Care needs to be taken, howe­ver: the­se caves can obvious­ly be extre­me­ly slip­pery and may sud­den­ly drop down very stee­p­ly.



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last modification: 2017-12-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange