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Home* Pho­tos, Pan­ora­mas, Vide­os and Web­camsSpits­ber­gen Pan­ora­mas → Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let, Recher­chefjord


Panorama view from a mountain top in Recherchefjord

Observatoriefjellet, Map

The moun­tain Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let is loca­ted in Recher­chefjord on the south side of Bell­sund.

Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let is the nor­t­hern­most top of the moun­tain chain that sepa­ra­tes Recher­che­breen from Cham­ber­lind­a­len, both south of Recher­chefjord. It is 576 m high.

In the second half of Sep­tem­ber 2014, I final­ly mana­ged to pan­ora­ma-pho­to­graph the grand view from Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let in Recher­chefjord. It was not the first time I car­ri­ed the pan­ora­ma equip­ment up to the 576 met­re high top, but the first time for a while the visi­bi­li­ty was still got when we got up. This is not always the case …

This Sep­tem­ber day in 2014 was pret­ty cold, it was an ear­ly win­ter with a lot of ear­ly snow. We were a bit late in the day, as we had been crui­sing a while in Van Keu­len­fjord, hoping to find a polar bear (wit­hout suc­cess). Of cour­se, we still wan­ted to get up to the top of Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let befo­re sun­set, so the ascent on the snow-cover­ed slo­pe was a bit of a swea­ty affair.

But the view was cle­ar­ly worth the effort. When we rea­ched the top, the sun was still abo­ve the moun­ta­ins in the west. Grand views to all direc­tions: Cham­ber­lind­a­len with its steep gla­ciers in the sou­thwest, the moun­ta­ins sepa­ra­ting Recher­chefjord from the west coast in the west. To the north, Recher­chefjord and the lar­ge Bell­sund behind it. The main eye­cat­cher is pro­ba­b­ly Recher­che­breen (-gla­cier) in the sou­the­ast with the fore­ly­ing lagoon, which was alre­a­dy most­ly fro­zen at that time. Stun­ning views! I shot the­se two 360 degree views on this occa­si­on.

Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let – Pho­to gal­lery

Final­ly some impres­si­ons: Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let and sur­roun­dings, the view from the peak and from else­whe­re.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2023-07-29 · copyright: Rolf Stange