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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2014Arc­ti­ca II 2014/08/04-22 → Gal­lery: Nor­thwes­tern Spits­ber­gen

Northwestern Spitsbergen

It was about time to make some miles back towards civi­li­sa­ti­on, but not wit­hout some well sel­ec­ted stops. Time for a long hike through a silent val­ley, along a lar­ge lake, the­re are not too many of them in Spits­ber­gen. An excur­si­on to the arc­tic aero­nauts of Vir­go­ham­na, world famous, and a hike to Kob­befjord, unknown. A stun­ning crui­se along the “Seven Ice­bergs”, as the coast bet­ween Mag­da­le­nefjord and Kongsfjord has been known for cen­tu­ries.

We still had enough time for a deep excur­si­on into Kross­fjord, and it was a mind­blo­wing day, regard­less if spent hiking over morai­nes and gla­ciers or crui­sing on board Arc­ti­ca II. The tra­di­tio­nal litt­le par­ty at Lloyd’s Hotel, inde­ed a loca­ti­on deser­ving its five stars, was not even the end of it. More gla­ciers and polar bears than anyo­ne could digest.

Back to the peaceful, quiet west coast tun­dra in Eidem­buk­ta. A reflec­ti­ve walk to round a very inten­se trip around Spits­ber­gen off. But it wasn’t even the end yet … crui­sing Isfjord under bright sun and blue ski­es and even a polar bear in Advent­fjord – not exact­ly an ever­y­day sight­ing – were still to come.

The nor­t­hern west coast

Advanced Spitsbergen with Arctica II, 2014: map 4

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:  → Sou­thwes­tern Spits­ber­gen  → Sou­the­as­tern Spits­ber­gen  → Nor­t­hern Spits­ber­gen  → Nor­thwes­tern Spits­ber­gen



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last modification: 2014-08-28 · copyright: Rolf Stange