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The vikings

History of Spitsbergen

Viking ship on exhi­bi­ti­on in Oslo: the famous Ose­berg ship

Oseberg viking ship, Oslo

Vikings in action

Vikings in action

It is dif­fi­cult to pro­ve whe­ther or not the vikings have real­ly rea­ched today’s Sval­bard in 1194, and it is pro­ba­b­ly rather unli­kely, alt­hough espe­ci­al­ly the Nor­we­gi­ans often belie­ve it (sur­pri­se…). The names ‘Sval­barði’, the ‘cold rim’, can be found in an Ice­lan­dic chro­nic­le and refers to some­thing that was found after a few days sai­ling north from Ice­land. It could also have been Jan May­en or any other land area in the north Atlan­tic or sim­ply the pack ice. No archaeo­lo­gi­cal evi­dence for the pre­sence of vikings on Sval­bard has ever been found, neither hard his­to­ri­cal evi­dence. 

Leif Eriks­son in Brat­talihd, sou­thwest Green­land.

Leif Eriksson in Brattalihd, southwest Greenland



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last modification: 2019-03-02 · copyright: Rolf Stange