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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Lofoten - Bear Island - Spitsbergen with SV Antigua 2018

This pas­sa­ge from Nor­way up to Bear Island was defi­ni­te­ly among­st the bet­ter ones in the histo­ry of Anti­gua in the­se waters. We could keep the sails in the wind and the speed around 8-9 knots, even more at times. The same was the case on the pas­sa­ge later from Bear Island to Spits­ber­gen.

The wind that made the sai­ling fun and effec­ti­ve made life a bit dif­fi­cult at Bear Island, as it blew around the island and the­re was no place real­ly to afford full shel­ter. The first bay too small even for Anti­gua to drop the anchor, the next one wit­hout any access to the island, just steep cliffs. Final­ly, we found a place whe­re Cap­tain Mario could keep Anti­gua in a drif­ting posi­ti­on bet­ween some rocks that gave us just enough shel­ter to get out into the boats and ashore! Hur­ray Bear Island!

Gal­lery 2 – Bear Island (Bjørnøya)

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To the gal­lery:  → Lofo­ten  → Bear Island (Bjørnøya)  → Spits­ber­gen (Sval­bard)



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last modification: 2018-06-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange