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Spitsbergen Panoramas

Spits­ber­gen-Pan­ora­mas: Map with links to pan­ora­ma pho­tos of Spits­ber­gen. Impres­si­ve 360º degree shots of all are­as of Sval­bard.

Svalbard - 360°-panoramas

Using the map below you will find hundreds of navigab­le 360° pan­ora­mas – on desk­top sys­tems also in full screen mode (right but­ton with arrows poin­ting out­wards in the pano)

Tra­vel Sval­bard online – Click on the map below to the cor­re­spon­ding mar­ker and have a good look around – direct­ly from the sofa, wit­hout get­ting cold or sea­sick and it does not cost a pen­ny

Wide arc­tic land­scapes beg for pan­ora­ma pho­to­gra­phy! In 2012, I made the first cau­tious attempts to crea­te pan­ora­mas. From spring 2013 onwards, many “real” pan­ora­mas have been added (and more will fol­low), shot with appro­pria­te equip­ment yiel­ding 360-degree pan­o­r­amic views. Sin­ce late Decem­ber 2017 also with inter­ac­ti­ve map, pro­vi­ding full geo­gra­phic over­view and access to the indi­vi­du­al pan­ora­mas all at the same time.

This coll­ec­tion of pan­ora­mas allows you to tra­vel this beau­tiful part of the arc­tic online from your home. It does not requi­re any money or effort, but it gives you a very good impres­si­on of what it is like to be in the midd­le of this stun­ning land­scape.

Click on the mar­kers and then on the text link that appears in the bubble, to get to the cor­re­spon­ding pan­ora­mas or use the text links below. The map is zoomable, like Goo­gle­Maps. Seve­ral clo­se­ly adja­cent mar­kers form a clus­ter. Click on a clus­ter to zoom into the map. Tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on on how to dis­play the pan­ora­mas can be found at the bot­tom of the page.

Spits­ber­gen (Sval­bard) and Bjørnøya (Bear Island)

Map of Spits­ber­gen (Sval­bard) and Bjørnøya (Bear Island)

Alpha­be­ti­cal list of pan­ora­ma sub­pages

How to view the pan­ora­mas: a bit of tech talk 

On the abo­ve lin­ked pages you will find navigab­le pan­ora­mas. Click the Play but­ton to load the pan­ora­ma. You can then enlar­ge the pan­ora­ma to full screen size (right but­ton) and navi­ga­te with the mou­se or the navi­ga­ti­on but­ton. Users mobi­le devices who have a touch screen can also navi­ga­te with their fin­ger in the image. With Google’s brow­ser, which runs on Android-based mobi­le devices for exam­p­le, the­re are dis­play pro­blems with older Android ver­si­ons. Android 4.3 and 4.4 should not be affec­ted. On desk­top-com­pu­ters the dis­play is done with Flash (if instal­led) or HTML5/WebGL, on mobi­le devices the dis­play is done with HTML5 and desk­top-users can also view the pan­ora­ma in full-screen-mode. Click on the but­ton with the 4 out­ward poin­ting arrows. Press the ESC key to exit the full screen mode. Or click on the but­ton with the 4 arrows poin­ting inwards. The but­ton bar does not appear until you click the Play but­ton. Sin­ce Flash Play­er is no lon­ger important and all major brow­ser manu­fac­tu­r­ers have deci­ded to limit Flash sup­port step by step, we are now ship­ping all Panos and Pano­Tours with the mode “HTML5 first”. Only Panos with less than 360-degree revo­lu­ti­ons are still only available as a Flash ver­si­on, sin­ce an HTML5 equi­va­lent is still miss­ing.



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last modification: 2023-10-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange