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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

With SV Meander around Spitsbergen, 26 August - 08 September 2024

Part 4: Bellsund and Isfjord

Gnålodden, Hornsund

Gnå­lod­den in Horn­sund.

It was time to get around the south cape and to the west coast becau­se the next storm was alre­a­dy coming up, threa­tening to make this area very unp­lea­sant, to put it mild­ly. We made a brief visit in Horn­sund with an evening landing at Gnå­lod­den and then con­tin­ued direct­ly nor­thwards to Bell­sund.

Recherchebreen, Recherchefjord

Ice in the lagoon of Recher­che­breen, Recher­chefjord.

With a loop into Van Mijenfjord we went fur­ther north to Isfjord, which was a good thing con­side­ring the wea­ther fore­cast which look pret­ty unp­lea­sant at the west coast the next cou­ple of days. We mana­ged to escape strong winds and high seas, but the­re was no esca­ping from the rain. So much rain is not­hing you see too often in Spits­ber­gen, but a mor­ning in the cosy salong of Mean­der with some good pre­sen­ta­ti­ons is not a bad thing at all.

Spitsbergen Reindeer, Alkhornet

Spits­ber­gen Reinde­er in autumn mood at Alk­hor­net.

And the tun­dra at Alk­hor­net was not a bad thing eit­her. It was gre­at to come to this green and lush envi­ron­ment after all the polar desert and gla­cier land­scapes in the east. We enjoy­ed the tun­dra and all its wild­life – ple­nty of Spits­ber­gen reinde­er and seve­ral arc­tic foxes – in gre­at autumn light.

Arctic fox, Alkhornet

Curious arc­tic fox, Alk­hor­net.

The tun­dra in Bore­buk­ta and at Bohe­man­nes­et, the lat­ter with some geo­lo­gi­cal bonus mate­ri­al, roun­ded our cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­on of Spits­ber­gen off.

Pho­to gal­lery – Spits­ber­gen with SV Mean­der, part 4: Horn­sund, Bell­sund and Isfjord

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To page/photo gal­lery:  → Spits­ber­gen (1): in Isfjord  → Spits­ber­gen (2): from Kongsfjord to Raud­fjord  → Spits­ber­gen (3): from Lief­defjord to Nord­aus­t­land and sou­the­ast Sval­bard  → Spits­ber­gen (4): Horn­sund, Bell­sund and Isfjord



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last modification: 2024-10-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange