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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Pyramiden: Old mine 1 - Panorama

360 panoramas

On the lower slo­pes of the Pyra­mi­den moun­tain, the­re is a num­ber of smal­ler, old mining instal­la­ti­ons: day plants, mine shafts, ven­ti­la­ti­on shafts and was­te dumps. The terms “old mine 1” respec­tively 2 and 3 are my own names to make the over­view easier, they are not the real his­to­ri­cal desi­gna­ti­ons.

Old mine at Pyra­mi­den and the view over Mimerd­a­len.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the­se faci­li­ties is not available: when were they built, were they just ear­ly attempts and tri­al shafts or was coal actual­ly pro­du­ced here? If so, when and how much?

In case you know more, plea­se get in touch!

Old mine ent­rance.

An important war­ning: ente­ring old coal mines is high­ly dan­ge­rous. Struc­tures and mine shaft roofs may col­lap­se at any time, and gas may migra­te from the sur­roun­ding rocks and coal into the mine shaft. You can not see or smell it and once you feel it, it is too late. Ente­ring a coal mine that is not under con­trol and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly ven­ti­la­ted is life dan­ge­rous, so never ever go into an old coal mine!



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last modification: 2018-11-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange