Gipsdalen is a large valley in Bünsow Land, between Billefjord and Tempelfjord.
The large peninsula between Billefjord and Sassenfjord / Tempelfjord is called Bünsow Land. This is one of the most scenic areas of Spitsbergen.
The large Gipsdalen valley runs through the centre of Bünsow Land. It has some interesting scenic, geological and historical features: The water solubility of the carbonate rocks causes them to dissolve underground. Geomorphologically, this leads to karst formation, which can include caves and, through their collapse, sinkholes (collapse funnels on the surface, also known as dolines). Rivers can run underground in places. There are no known caves in Gipsdalen, but it can be assumed that there are some underground.
The wide, beautiful Gipsdalen is part of the usual winter route from Longyearbyen to the north, that is to Pyramiden or to Wijdefjord or to northeastern Spitsbergen: Newtontoppen, Atomfjella or Verlegenhuken. Here the moraine of Burn Murdochbreen.
The Scottish SSS (Scottish Spitsbergen Syndicate), in which the well-known Scottish polar explorer William Speirs Bruce was involved, explored coal deposits in Gipsdalen in the early 20th century. A few ruined huts, also far from the coast in the valley, and a rusty tractor on the shore still bear witness to this. However, there was no mining.
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