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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Kapp Amsterdam

The harbour of Sveagruva

The lagoon Bra­gan­za­vå­gen near Svea is very shal­low and thus not navigab­le. Hence, the­re is a har­bour at Kapp Ams­ter­dam in Van Mijenfjord, about 5 kilo­me­t­res south of the sett­le­ment. The­re is not just a pier at Kap Ams­ter­dam, but also a lar­ge sto­rage area, so it bears the cha­rac­ter of hea­vy indus­try just as Sveagru­va its­elf.

The “har­bour” is acces­si­ble only in sum­mer and autumn, as Van Mijenfjord tends to free­ze sold during the win­ter and spring becau­se the fjord is pro­tec­ted from the open sea by Akseløya, a long, nar­row island that almost cuts the fjord off from the outer coast. The ice cover can accor­din­gly build up with less dis­tur­ban­ce by waves and curr­ents than in other fjords. When the har­bour had to be acces­sed by ships during the win­ter, this could only be done with the help of an ice brea­k­er, some­thing that is avo­ided the­se days as much as pos­si­ble for envi­ron­men­tal reasons.

The clean-up of Sveagru­va includes the faci­li­ties at Kapp Ams­ter­dam, so not­hing or at least not much will remain here in the end. But this will be the last part of the pro­cess, as the har­bour is obvious­ly nee­ded to ship ever­y­thing out.

To page:  → The Sveagru­va area  → Sveagru­va (sett­le­ment)  → Svea Nord  → Lun­ckef­jel­let  → Kapp Ams­ter­dam



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last modification: 2020-01-29 · copyright: Rolf Stange