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Home → June, 2010

Monthly Archives: June 2010 − News & Stories

Field poli­ce ope­ra­ti­ve

In late June, 3 teams of field inspec­tors were brought to their respec­ti­ve working are­as by the Sys­sel­man­nen. The teams con­sist of two per­sons, one poli­ce offi­cer and one per­si­on with a back­ground in natu­ral histo­ry. They are initi­al­ly based in Mag­da­le­nefjord, Ny Åle­sund and Isfjord, but often use huts fur­ther north and nor­the­ast, such as in Vir­go­ham­na (Dan­s­køya) or Mus­ham­na (Wood­fjord). The main task of the teams is to con­trol all traf­fic in the area, main­ly sai­ling boats and crui­se ships.

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen

Pass­port Con­trol

Aut­ho­ri­ties are working on plans to intro­du­ce pass con­trol at the air­port of Lon­gye­ar­by­en. Spits­ber­gen is under Nor­we­gi­an sove­reig­n­ty, but has a spe­cial sta­tus due to the regu­la­ti­ons of the Spits­ber­gen trea­ty that is in force. Sin­ce 2001, Nor­way is part of the Schen­gen sys­tem, but this does not include Spits­ber­gen. This can lead to pro­blems for tra­vel­lers who are regis­tered insi­de the Schen­gen sys­tem, but who are not regis­tered when they lea­ve Schen­gen when tra­vel­ling from Nor­way to Spits­ber­gen. Pass con­trol on Lon­gye­ar­by­en would eli­mi­na­te this pro­blem, alt­hough it would be unpo­pu­lar in Lon­gye­ar­by­en and Nor­way. Final details remain to be deter­mi­ned.

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten and Barents Obser­ver

Orca­nic was­te mills

Most house­holds in Lon­gye­ar­by­en have recent­ly been equip­ped with orga­nic was­te mills. The pur­po­se is that food was­te is not sup­po­sed to increase the quick­ly gro­wing was­te dump in Advent­da­len, but is rather inten­ded to be shred­ded and released to the sea, tog­e­ther with the gene­ral was­te water. Lon­gye­ar­by­en does, so far, not yet have a was­te­wa­ter tre­at­ment plant. Akva­plan-Niva, a Nor­we­gi­an insti­tu­te for rese­arch on water, has recom­men­ded to have one estab­lished.

The orga­nic was­te mills may theo­re­ti­cal­ly be a good con­tri­bu­ti­on to was­te reduc­tion in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, but the­re have been fre­quent tech­ni­cal pro­blems lea­ding to incre­asing loss of popu­la­ri­ty of the new instal­la­ti­ons.

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten

Polar bears in Lon­gye­ar­by­en …

… tend to be dead and stuf­fed. Not so the one that came in the evening of 08 June to Nyby­en, the upper part of Lon­gye­ar­by­en. It was scared away by the poli­ce. It was real and dan­ge­rous enough for some war­ning shots and the heli­c­op­ter was used to fol­low the ani­mal over the near­by Lon­gyear gla­cier and into the neigh­bou­ring val­ley Fard­a­len.

Polar bear in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, less dan­ge­rous than the one on Tues­day.

Polar bears in Longyearbyen

Source: local gos­sip; Sys­sel­man­nen


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/06 at 16:55:48 Uhr (GMT+1)