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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2015Under sails to Spitsbergen’s gla­ciers → Gal­lery 2: From Mag­da­le­nefjord to Mof­fen

Gal­lery 2: From Mag­da­le­nefjord to Mof­fen

The start into this sec­tion couldn’t have been any bet­ter: the sun coming out behind the moun­ta­ins in Mag­da­le­nefjord, shi­ning like a spot­light on and through the pie­ces of gla­cier ice near the beach, was stun­nin­gly beau­tiful. We coll­ec­ted a lar­ge fishing net from the shore, lea­ving the natu­re even a bit clea­ner than we found it, and paid Wag­gon­way­breen a visit.

Time for the first gla­cier hike: we fit­ted the cram­pons to our boots, lan­ded in Schei­buk­ta and went up Schei­b­reen. The pen­in­su­la Reusch­hal­vøya (who knows this name?) bet­ween Mad­ga­le­nefjord and Smee­ren­burg­fjord has some quite impres­si­ve alpi­ne sce­n­ery, with sharp moun­tain rid­ges and love­ly gla­ciers, but it is small enough to be acces­si­ble, to some degree, within a few hours.

Fur­ther north in Smee­ren­burg­fjord and a day later, we found har­bour seals and our first wal­rus­ses in places used by explo­rers and wha­lers cen­tu­ries ago. On Ytre Nor­skøya, we had a free view towards the north pole. The 80th par­al­lel was not far away, we crossed it during the night to set foot ashore on the rare­ly visi­ted island Mof­fen the next day. Wal­rus mad­ness on 80 degrees north! Unfor­gettable, and yes, and we will try to repeat this expe­ri­ence in 2016.

Gal­lery 2

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To the Gal­lery:  → Isfjord and Kongsfjord  → From Mag­da­le­nefjord to Mof­fen  → Lief­defjord  → Kross­fjord  → Kongsfjord  → Isfjord



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last modification: 2015-12-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange