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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Gallery 2: Kap Brewster to Danmark Ø

Greenland 2019 with SV Anne-Margaretha

Kap Brews­ter to Dan­mark Ø: The first day off the Green­land coast brought some ama­zing ice­bergs and a love­ly sun­set, but we still had a good cou­ple of miles ahead of us befo­re we could hope for well-shel­te­red waters and ancho­ra­ges. But we got the­re the next day. We made the first real cont­act with Green­land in Vikin­ge­bugt, on the wes­tern end of Vol­quart Boons Coast – a wide high pla­teau of basalt, rem­in­s­cent of nor­thwes­tern Ice­land inclu­ding Akurey­ri and thus a gent­le but very plea­sant tran­si­ti­on in sce­n­ery. But the polar bear that wal­ked around on the shore made it very clear that we were inde­ed in Green­land! And ever­y­thing else: the first impres­si­on of the colourful flo­ra, the gla­ciers, the ice­bergs, the gene­ral wild­ness of natu­re …

Hek­la Havn on Dan­mark Ø pro­vi­ded the first real­ly good ancho­ra­ge whe­re we could bring out shore­li­nes and spend a night in per­fect safe­ty wit­hout ice­bergs – no anchor watch nee­ded, much to ever­y­bo­dies reli­ef. On land, we found a lot that was very typi­cal Green­land: remains of Inu­it win­ter hou­ses, gneiss as old as the hills (well, actual­ly much older), cot­ton grass and the win­tering site of the 1891-92 Ryder expe­di­ti­on, which had a solid house and two small obser­va­to­ries here. Wit­hout them, we would not have any idea about the beau­tiful fjords sur­roun­ding Mil­ne Land, and then we would not have any idea what to do the next cou­ple of days ☺

Gal­lery 2: Kap Brews­ter to Dan­mark Ø

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To gal­lery:  → From Ice­land to Green­land  → Kap Brews­ter to Dan­mark Ø  → Rødefjord and Harefjord  → Øfjord and Bjør­neøer  → From Hall Bred­ning to Ice­land



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last modification: 2019-09-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange