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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2017 → Spits­ber­gen 06/27-2017/07/14

Spitsbergen 06/27-2017/07/14

with SV Antigua

A long, stun­ning jour­ney around Spits­ber­gen. Geo­gra­phi­cal­ly, it was not a full cir­cle around the island becau­se of the ice con­di­ti­ons …

Ice chart

Ice Map Svalbard 2017/06/24

… but in the end, we sai­led almost 1 ½ times around Spits­ber­gen, and it tur­ned out to be a very inten­si­ve and com­pre­hen­si­ve trip, with a lot of landings, wild­life obser­va­tions, sai­ling pas­sa­ges and so on – you name it, we have done it. You can’t get more Spits­ber­gen within 2 ½ weeks! We fol­lo­wed the wind, the ice and the ani­mals and once again, that tur­ned out to be the best thing to do. It took us to tra­di­tio­nal landing sites and hid­den places, so we dis­co­ver­ed many of Spitsbergen’s secrets, one by one.

Click here for the tri­plog (pdf, 16.3 MB.

The fol­lo­wing pages have pho­to gal­le­ries and over­view maps to illus­tra­te the various chap­ters of the voya­ge. Enjoy fol­lo­wing our jour­ney!

Pho­to album – Spits­ber­gen 06/27-2017/07/14

  • Grön­land

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.



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last modification: 2019-04-28 · copyright: Rolf Stange