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360 panorama images from Spitsbergen's west coast

Kvedfjordbukta, Map

Kved­fjord­buk­ta is loca­ted on the nor­t­hern west coast of Spits­ber­gen.

Kved­fjord­buk­ta ist an open bay on the west coast of Spits­ber­gen, bet­ween Kross­fjord and Mag­da­le­nefjord. This rather hosti­le coas­tal stretch is very expo­sed. It con­sists of eit­her steep rock slo­pes and some bould­er bea­ches and gla­ciers. The­re are seven major gla­ciers in this area, and they all used to reach the sea, so the wha­lers named this coast “The seven ice­bergs”, today “Dei Sju Isfjel­la” in Nor­we­gi­an. All the­se gla­ciers have retrea­ted in recent deca­des, so not all of them reach the sea any­mo­re.

This coast could be a chall­enge on the way north as the­re was no shel­ter in case of sud­den storms. Ham­burg­buk­ta fur­ther north is the first place whe­re smal­ler ves­sels may anchor, but then you have alre­a­dy almost rea­ched Mag­da­le­nefjord with the his­to­ri­cal­ly well-known and most­ly well-shel­te­red ancho­ra­ge at Tri­ni­ty­ham­na, east of Grav­ne­set.

The vege­ta­ti­on looks rich and pris­ti­ne. It is obvious that the­re is not a lot of tram­pling here, and the­re is a lot of fer­ti­liza­ti­on from the litt­le auks that are bree­ding on the steep scree slo­pes in lar­ge num­bers.

Trap­pers have built a hut in Kved­fjord­buk­ta in the 1920s to have a link bet­ween Kross­fjord and Kongsfjord to the south, whe­re Ny-Åle­sund pro­vi­des Spitsbergen’s nor­t­hern­most out­lier of zivi­li­sa­ti­on, and the hun­ting grounds fur­ther north, in Mag­da­le­nefjord and Smee­ren­burg­fjord. The­re was ano­ther hut at Ræderfjel­let (Tred­je­breen). Both have dis­ap­peared and the­re is not­hing left but a very few scat­te­red remains so you can bare­ly see whe­re they might once have been.

Kved­fjord­buk­ta: Pho­to gal­lery

A coll­ec­tion of pho­tos taken during two visits to Kved­fjord­buk­ta, both obvious­ly under per­fect wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2022-11-10 · copyright: Rolf Stange