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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Gallery 2 - On the north coast

We star­ted this leg of the jour­ney on the nor­thwes­tern cor­ner with an ama­zing lot of wild­life, the sce­n­ery to which Spits­ber­gen owes its name and – blue sky. Can you belie­ve it? After some gre­at hiking in Lief­defjord, we did get some rain­drops at Mona­co­b­reen, but if anyo­ne thought that was it with the fine wea­ther, then the blue sky and bright suns­hi­ne would soon pro­ve them wrong! Mof­fen, howe­ver, remain­ed out of reach behind the 80 par­al­lel and a looot of wind, so we wai­ted some­whe­re shel­te­red for cal­mer wea­ther. Which we got, and tog­e­ther with it, a stun­ning day in Raud­fjord with more scenic high­lights.

Gal­lery 2 – On the north coast

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:  → West coast  → North coast  → West coast to the south



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last modification: 2017-10-17 · copyright: Rolf Stange