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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic sea­son 2012 → Spits­ber­gen 2012/09/21-29

Spitsbergen on board SV Antigua - The northern west coast

2012, September 21-29

Orga­ni­zed by the
Tall­ship Com­pa­ny

Tallship Company

This voya­ge was under the title “pho­to­gra­phy”, based on the spe­cial light that you can get with a bit of luck late in the seaon – the polar night was at that time clo­ser than the mid­night sun days!

Tre Kroner

And good light is what we got, no doubt. And more than that, we were also lucky enough to see quite some ama­zing wild­life, more than you should expect within one week’s time. A very enjoya­ble week, inde­ed!

Tri­plog (2,3 MB)

Click here for a bet­ter qua­li­ty ver­si­on (7.1 MB) of the same tri­plog file.

To make the over­view easier, the fol­lo­wing sel­ec­tion of pho­tos is orga­ni­zed in 3 indi­vi­du­al gal­le­ries, each one repre­sen­ting two days of the trip.

Pho­to album

  • spitz­ber­gen-gale­rie-07

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.

Group pho­tos

Group photo 1

Group pho­to 1 (Down­load lar­ge image file)

Group photo 2

Group pho­to 2 (Down­load lar­ge image file)



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last modification: 2013-10-13 · copyright: Rolf Stange