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Home → April, 2010

Monthly Archives: April 2010 − News & Stories

Gold rush

The Nor­we­gi­an mining com­pa­ny Store Nor­ske is inves­ti­ga­ting gold occur­ren­ces in Spits­ber­gen, as repor­ted ear­lier on the­se pages. The area of inves­ti­ga­ti­on is the south side of St. Jons­fjord on the west coast, north of Isfjord. Four cores have been dril­led on Hol­mes­let­fjel­la, 500 met­res high; 4000 met­res of cores are sup­po­sed to be dril­led until June. The area of inte­rest stret­ches across 7 kilo­me­t­res, and seve­ral years of fur­ther rese­arch work are nee­ded until any mining can pos­si­bly be star­ted.

Map of Spits­ber­gen;
St. Jons­fjor­den is on the west coast
(GNU Les­ser Gene­ral Public Licen­se, crea­ted with Marb­le)

Gold rush Svalbard

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten

Sin­gle-han­ded flight across the North Pole

On 05 April, the French adven­turer Jean-Lou­is Eti­en­ne ven­tu­red on a bal­loon flight from Lon­gye­ar­by­en to the North Pole. He almost suc­cee­ded in rea­ching 90°N, but was then blown off at 88°N towards Rus­sia.

Eti­en­ne car­ri­ed instru­ments to mea­su­re car­bon­di­oxi­de levels and magne­tism. His first solo expe­di­ti­on to the North Pole was on ski in 1986. This time, he wan­ted to focus on obser­va­tions of chan­ges in the high Arc­tic. On 10 April, after 121 hours and 3130 kilo­me­t­res, he lan­ded in Jaku­tia (Rus­sia).

Sourcen: Sval­bard­pos­ten; Jean-Lou­is Eti­en­ne (Home­page)

Vol­ca­nic ash cloud from Ice­land also in Spits­ber­gen

The vol­ca­no at the Eyja­f­jal­la-gla­cier in Ice­land gives Spits­ber­gen some of the remo­ten­ess back that it used to have in the past. The recent con­cen­tra­ti­on of ash par­tic­les in the atmo­sphe­re abo­ve Nor­way forced pla­nes from and to Lon­gye­ar­by­en to remain on the ground, mea­ning that Spits­ber­gen was cut off not only for human traf­fic, but also for food and other deli­veries, mail and medi­cal emer­gen­cy flights. The coast guard was on stand­by in case of urgent medi­cal evacua­tions. After two days, the first tou­rists were flown out of Lon­gye­ar­by­en to Trom­sø.

Sources: Sval­bard­pos­ten and Sys­sel­man­nen


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