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Ny-Ålesund: Kongsfjordbutikken

360° panorama

The famous Kongsfjord­bu­tik­ken is the only shop in Ny-Åle­sund. It is not exact­ly a super­mar­ket, but main­ly a sou­ve­nir shop. Next to the usu­al T-shirts and other bits and pie­ces, the­re are some love­ly hand-craf­ted items such as hand-drawn post­cards and other art, jewel­ry and good books (inclu­ding my ones, of cour­se 🙂 )

The­re are also some items of dai­ly use, from simp­le toi­le­tries to warm socks (recom­men­ded!) and some cho­co­la­tes (dito).

The Kongsfjord­bu­tik­ken ser­ves also as post office. You can get both post­cards and stamps the­re, and the post­box the­re is regu­lar­ly ser­viced, which can­not be said of the post­box on the old post office, which is not in regu­lar use any­mo­re.

The­re are also alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges on offer, but the­se are only sold to tho­se working in Ny-Åle­sund and not to ship-based visi­tors.

The­re are (limi­t­ed) regu­lar ope­ning hours for the locals. For tou­rists, the shop opens on request.



This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.

last modification: 2019-03-14 · copyright: Rolf Stange