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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


Shop­ping cart/Shopping bas­ket

Choo­se the items that you want to order by cli­cking “add to cart”. This will add your sel­ec­tion to the shop­ping cart/shopping bas­ket. You can chan­ge your sel­ec­tion at any time until check­out by chan­ging the num­ber of items or by dele­ting items by cli­cking on the red cross or by abort­ing the order pro­cess. By cli­cking on “Pro­ceed to check­out” you will get to the next step.


Your data will be pro­ces­sed in accordance with valid law and our pri­va­cy state­ment. We will never give per­so­nal data to third par­ties. Plea­se check the items in your shop­ping bas­ket and enter your invoice and ship­ping address.

Invoice address

Plea­se check your invoice address.

Ship­ping address

Plea­se check your ship­ping address.

Check­out / terms and con­di­ti­ons, pri­va­cy state­ment

Plea­se check your data again and read our terms and con­di­ti­ons and the pri­va­cy state­ment. You have to agree to the terms and con­di­ti­ons and the pri­va­cy state­ment (check the box) to check out. By cli­cking on “pay­ing order”, you offer a bin­ding agree­ment with the obli­ga­ti­on to make com­ple­te pay­ment for the items you have orde­red.



This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.

last modification: 2018-12-10 · copyright: Rolf Stange