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Prins Karls Forland - Dawespynten, Kenmore

360° panorama

Dawes­pyn­ten: Ken­mo­re

The Scot­tish Spits­ber­gen Syn­di­ca­te (SSS), whe­re the famous Scot­tish polar explo­rer Wil­liam S. Bruce was invol­ved, built a hut at Dawes­pyn­ten on Prins Karls For­land in 1919 for explo­ra­ti­ve work, hoping for mine­ral resour­ces that could be exploi­ted. The hut was cal­led Ken­mo­re.

The­re was never any mining on Prins Karls For­land, and the­re is not­hing but a pile of wood left of the hut Ken­mo­re.

Wil­liam Speirs Bruce and The Scot­tish Spits­ber­gen Syn­di­ca­te Ltd. (SSS)

During the expe­di­ti­on of Duke Albert I. of Mona­co in 1908, Bruce was almost unin­ten­tio­nal­ly left behind on Prins Karls For­land. May­be that hel­ped to fuel his own inte­res­ted in the island? He clai­med the who­le island of Prins Karls For­land for the SSS inspi­te of not having found any com­mer­ci­al­ly valuable occur­ren­ces the­re.



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last modification: 2020-10-13 · copyright: Rolf Stange