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pfeil Page of the week: Gnålodden pfeil

Gallery 4: the southeast

The sou­the­ast


The sou­the­ast gave us a warm wel­co­me, with beau­tiful light and calm wea­ther, giving us fine oppor­tu­ni­ties to enjoy the colours of the tun­dra which were now about to switch to autumn-mode. We also mana­ged a very nice landing on Edgeøya alt­hough the wind was alre­a­dy picking up again.

Then it beca­me inte­res­t­ing (again!). Actual­ly we thought the long trip to the south cape and then to the west coast would most­ly be a mat­ter of making all tho­se miles, but things were not as expec­ted. The­re was much more ice in sou­thern Storfjord than indi­ca­ted, which was not gre­at in com­bi­na­ti­on with the stiff nor­t­her­ly wind that we were now having. This kept us busy for quite a while, and we even retrea­ted to sou­thwes­tern Edgeøya for a day to anchor in a shel­te­red bay to enjoy the natu­re the­re.

After more criss-crossing along the ice edge, the Hur­tig­ru­ten ship Fram came along, so we could then fol­low this strong ship, thus easi­ly crossing the ice belt and even enjoy­ing a nice polar bear sight­ing as we were through it befo­re then making the pas­sa­ge around Sør­kapp and to the west.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:  → the west  → the north  → the nor­the­ast  → the sou­the­ast  → the west



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last modification: 2015-10-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange