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360° panoramas of Dunérbukta on Spitsbergen's east coast

Dunérbukta, map

Dunérbuk­ta is loca­ted on Spitsbergen’s east coast.

Dunérbuk­ta is on Spitsbergen’s east coast, bet­ween Mohn­buk­ta and Agardhbuk­ta.

Dunérbuk­ta 1

In sum­mer, peo­p­le rare­ly to this part of Spits­ber­gen. If you want to walk the­re, then it is a tough 4-5 day tour – one way. Gre­at hike, but long and hard. Ships rare­ly get to this part of Svalbard’s coas­tal waters, and if they do, then they will most­ly find out that shal­low off­shore waters and lack of shel­ter may make landing quite dif­fi­cult.

Dunérbuk­ta 2

Dunérbuk­ta is much easier rea­ched during the win­ter sea­son, when it takes only a few hours to get the­re by snow mobi­le. It is most­ly locals from Lon­gye­ar­by­en who take the trip to Dunérbuk­ta in the win­ter sea­son. For tou­rists, Mohn­buk­ta fur­ther north is more com­mon. Locals (and only they) may use an old trap­pers’ hut that is now admi­nis­tra­ted by a club in Lon­gye­ar­by­en to spend a cosy night or two, and to take a trip to Ulvebreen’s gla­cier front from the­re and may­be to enjoy the view of a polar bear roa­ming some­whe­re out the­re on the ice.



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last modification: 2024-12-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange