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Home → Arc­tic expe­di­ti­ons: join us!

Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen and East Greenland under sail

Join arctic voyages! Experience nature unfiltered and intensely with small groups, see remote places.

Arctic expeditions: join us! - Rolf Stange

Rolf Stan­ge is one of the most expe­ri­en­ced and respec­ted polar Expe­di­ti­on Lea­ders, with a good repu­ta­ti­on for tho­rough know­ledge, careful orga­ni­sa­ti­on and good lea­der­ship, humo­rous but strict whe­re it is nee­ded.

To start with the bad news: our trips are Ger­man spea­king, sim­ply becau­se that is the mar­ket we have the best access to. But of cour­se you are wel­co­me also as a non-nati­ve Ger­man spea­k­er as long as you have some access to the lan­guage so that you can fol­low as brie­fings, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons etc. will be given in Ger­man. It will always be pos­si­ble to ans­wer ques­ti­ons indi­vi­du­al­ly in Eng­lish or to give a short sum­ma­ry, but we can’t run the who­le ope­ra­ti­on twice in two lan­guages – it just doesn’t work pro­per­ly, as full trans­la­ti­ons for ever­y­bo­dy would take a lot of time and that would in the end go over the qua­li­ty of the expe­ri­ence for ever­y­bo­dy.

That said – if you can under­stand the basics and you app­re­cia­te the oppor­tu­ni­ty to impro­ve you lan­guage skills by the way: wel­co­me on board!

Plea­se chan­ge to the Ger­man ver­si­on of this site by cli­cking on the sym­bol at the top of the page for updated infor­ma­ti­on about our upco­ming depar­tures.


We focus on Spits­ber­gen (Sval­bard), but we have also done trips to Jan May­en, east Green­land, Ant­ar­c­ti­ca and Pata­go­nia in the past and the­se may well come up again.

Each sum­mer, we offer a litt­le series of sel­ec­ted voy­a­ges on sain­ling ships. Some of them have spe­ci­fic sub­jects such as ‘pho­to­gra­phy’ or ‘gla­ciers’. Click the links below for fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the indi­vi­du­al voy­a­ges.

We expect our guests to have good gene­ral health and reasonable fit­ness and moti­va­ti­on for this natu­re expe­ri­ence in a small group and on small ships in remo­te are­as, far from civi­li­sa­ti­on and medi­cal faci­li­ties. We also hope for inte­rest in the area, natu­ral and human histo­ry bey­ond a super­fi­ci­al level.

Does that sound like you? Then … join us! Plea­se have a look at the sites that are lin­ked below or get in touch for more infor­ma­ti­on (cont­act).



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last modification: 2021-07-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange