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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2023 → Spits­ber­gen with SV Mean­der, 26.8.-8.9.

Spitsbergen with SV Meander, 26 August - 08 September 2023

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SV Meander, Spitzbergen 2023, evening light

SV Mean­der in evening light in Wahl­enberg­fjord, Nord­aus­t­land.

Near the end of August, the light is real­ly beco­ming beau­tiful, with the sun low abo­ve the hori­zon and sun­sets that last for hours. And that was the time when we went out with SV Mean­der to north Spits­ber­gen. We fol­lo­wed the west- and north coast and went to Hin­lo­pen Strait and Nord­aus­t­land, deep into tho­se beau­tiful fjords and to the nor­t­hern­most islands. The very nor­t­hern­most ones, that is. And then fur­ther on in the oppo­si­te direc­tion, to the west coast and final­ly back to Isfjord.

The wea­ther pre­sen­ted its­elf in a ran­ge of moods, but never real­ly rough or other­wi­se real­ly bad, and we had some real­ly gol­den days. And the wild­life was the­re. And the atmo­sphe­re on board was good. So, as a bot­tom­li­ne it is abso­lut­e­ly safe to say that we had a gre­at time! I want to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty here to thank all who have been a part of that, who made it work so smooth­ly and that ever­y­thing was fun and plea­su­re. First of all Mario Czok, cap­tain and owner of the good ship SV Mean­der, and his good crew! Big thanks to all of you, I am loo­king for­ward to more! 😃

Mario and Meander, Wahlenbergfjord

Mario working hard as always 😎 here caught in the act in Wahl­enberg­fjord.

Tri­plog: Spits­ber­gen with SV Mean­der, 24 August – 08 Sep­tem­ber 2023

The­re are two dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons, dif­fe­ring in file size/print qua­li­ty. The con­tent is exact­ly the same. And any­way, it is in Ger­man, becau­se it was a Ger­man spea­king trip.

Pho­to gal­le­ries – with SV Mean­der to north Spits­ber­gen

On the­se pages you will find short descrip­ti­ons and a lot of pho­tos of the­se fan­ta­stic days in north Spits­ber­gen and Nord­aus­t­land:

Vir­tu­al tours of places that we have been to

You can actual­ly visit some of the places that we have been to on this trip online. The­re are pages with pho­to gal­le­ries and 360 degree pan­ora­ma pho­tos on this web­site:



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last modification: 2023-10-14 · copyright: Rolf Stange