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Hiorth­fjell­gru­va: Ørne­re­det

Ørneredet, map

“Ørne­re­det” is loca­ted 580 met­res high on Hiorth­fjel­let.

Ørne­re­det, ‘the eagle’s nest’, was the miners’ mess and accom­mo­da­ti­on at Hiorth­fjell­gruve (Sne­heim) high up on Hiorth­fjel­let, 582 met­res abo­ve Advent­fjord. In the past, the enti­re com­plex was offi­ci­al­ly cal­led Hiorth­fjell­gruve (Hiorth­fjell­gru­be), unof­fi­ci­al­ly it was usual­ly cal­led Sne­heim and today many refer to it as ‘Ørne­re­det’, i.e. ‘the eagle’s nest’. It fits quite well, even if the name has no real his­to­ri­cal refe­rence. And the­re are no eagles in Spits­ber­gen eit­her, but who cares …

The actu­al sett­le­ment was Hior­th­hamn down by the fjord. Hior­th­hamn, Sne­heim and Ørne­re­det (the divi­si­on of the lat­ter two into two vil­la­ges is some­what arti­fi­ci­al and is more for the sake of cla­ri­ty on the­se pages) thus for­med a func­tion­al com­plex that belon­ged tog­e­ther. On the pages about Hior­th­hamn and Sne­heim you can also read more about the histo­ry of the who­le Hior­th­hamn mine com­plex, which will not be repea­ted here.

Sneheim and Ørneredet

The Hiorth­fjell­gruve: in front are the remains of the actu­al mine workings,
the buil­ding at the back is the ‘Ørne­re­det’, the workers’ mess and accom­mo­da­ti­on.
Ever­y­thing is loca­ted a good 580 met­res abo­ve sea level at Hiorth­fjel­let.

The workers’ accom­mo­da­ti­on at the Hiorth­fjel­let mine

The loca­ti­on of the first pan­o­r­amic pho­to is in the area whe­re the workers’ accom­mo­da­ti­on was once loca­ted. Seve­ral dozen workers were housed here, some­ti­mes stay­ing for months at a time and not moving fur­ther away than the pit, a few hundred met­res to the west.

The­re is prac­ti­cal­ly not­hing left of the accom­mo­da­ti­on, just rub­ble scat­te­red around the site. The­re were once five bar­racks.

Mess room buil­ding

The only buil­ding still stan­ding is the one with the mess rooms.

It is hard to say why the mess room is the only buil­ding still stan­ding, or why, in con­trast, the other buil­dings have been com­ple­te­ly lost. It was pro­ba­b­ly repai­red from time to time, poten­ti­al­ly inclu­ding the years befo­re 1992.

In 1992, some simp­le but important repairs were car­ri­ed out at the mess room buil­ding in order to pre­ser­ve its sub­s­tance – also with the help of the mining company’s heirs, who were still the lan­dow­ners in 1992. In 2016, the area – 217.6 squa­re kilo­me­t­res – was sold to the Nor­we­gi­an sta­te for a whop­ping 300 mil­li­on kro­ner. But that’s ano­ther sto­ry.

Sin­ce 2019, the sports club in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, Sval­bard Turn, has been aut­ho­ri­sed by the Sys­sel­man­nen (now Sys­sel­mes­ter) to use the hut as a tour desti­na­ti­on.

In 2023/24, howe­ver, it tur­ned out that the struc­tu­ral con­di­ti­on of the exhi­bi­ti­on cent­re buil­ding no lon­ger per­mit­ted its con­tin­ued use, so that the Sys­sel­mes­ter with­drew the right of use from the sports club.

It is likely that ‘Ørne­re­det’, the eagle’s nest, will now also fall into dis­re­pair. It is not known that any con­ser­va­ti­on mea­su­res are plan­ned.

Which is very unfort­u­na­te, becau­se the ‘Eagle’s Nest’ is tru­ly uni­que. Not only becau­se of its loca­ti­on at an alti­tu­de of around 580 met­res with a magni­fi­cent view of the Advent­fjord, Lon­gye­ar­by­en and the sur­roun­ding area, but also becau­se it is part of one of the lar­gest indus­tri­al monu­ment com­ple­xes in Spits­ber­gen, tog­e­ther with the mine (‘Sne­heim’) and Hior­th­hamn, the vil­la­ge down by the Advent­fjord.

Pho­to gal­lery Ørne­re­det

Final­ly, a coll­ec­tion of pho­tos with various impres­si­ons of ‘Ørne­re­det’, the Hiorth­fjell­gruve mess buil­ding / for­mer accom­mo­da­ti­on area.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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last modification: 2025-01-17 · copyright: Rolf Stange