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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil


You may can­cel your con­tract in wri­ting (eg letter/form pro­vi­ded tog­e­ther with orde­red items, or e-mail to order@spitsbergen-svalbard.com) within two weeks wit­hout giving reasons or by retur­ning the goods in ori­gi­nal, unda­ma­ged con­di­ti­on. (Plea­se make sure you add a cus­to­mer ser­vice tele­pho­ne num­ber or (pre­fer­red) email address to use in case of ques­ti­ons regar­ding a return/refund). The time limit beg­ins after receipt of this noti­fi­ca­ti­on in wri­ting, but not befo­re the goods have been recei­ved by the reci­pi­ent.

The revo­ca­ti­on must be sent to:

Ship­ping Depart­ment
MaLou Heger
An der Woh­r­te 23
18059 Huckstorf

You, the cus­to­mer will be lia­ble for the cost of retur­ning the goods. If goods have been dama­ged in tran­sit plea­se retain all pack­a­ging for inspec­tion and noti­fy us imme­dia­te­ly upon recei­val. Later claims can­not be accept­ed. We will replace dama­ged goods free of char­ge.

If the cus­to­mer is unable to return the recei­ved goods eit­her in total or in part or only in dete­rio­ra­ted con­di­ti­on, the cus­to­mer shall indem­ni­fy us for the loss in value, if appli­ca­ble. This shall not app­ly in the event that the dete­rio­ra­ti­on of the sur­ren­de­red goods is due to the inspec­tion of the goods – as it would have been pos­si­ble in a shop. The cus­to­mer shall, moreo­ver, avo­id such lia­bi­li­ty of indem­ni­fi­ca­ti­on by refrai­ning from using the goods as if he owned them and fur­ther refrai­ning from any action that would dimi­nish the value of the goods.

We will refund by the same means of pay­ment as you used to make your purcha­se, if not expli­ci­te­ly agreed dif­fer­ent­ly bet­ween both par­ties.



This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.

last modification: 2018-12-10 · copyright: Rolf Stange