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Pyramiden: Hut near old mine area - Panorama

360° panorama

A bit out­side the old cent­re, just under the moun­tain Pyra­mi­den and clo­se to an area on the slo­pes whe­re seve­ral old mine pits are loca­ted, the­re is a litt­le, old woo­den hut.

Old shed or hut near for­mer coal mine area in Pyra­mi­den.

It is hard to tell what it may have been used for. It has obvious­ly been emp­ty for a long time, the­re is just a bit of rub­bish and dirt on the flo­or. May­be it was used as a sto­rage for equip­ment during ear­lier peri­ods of mining, or it was a com­mon room for miners to pro­vi­de shel­ter and warmth during res­t­ing time?

The inte­riour of the old hut.



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last modification: 2018-11-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange