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Longyearbyen - Nye gruve 2 (Julenissegruve or Father Christmas mine)

360° panoramas

Mine 2b or the “Nye gruve 2” (new mine 2) is on the slo­pe of Gru­vef­jel­let abo­ve Nyby­en.

Accor­ding to the tra­di­ti­on, Father Christ­mas lives in mine 2b, at least during the Advent sea­son. Hence, Nye gruve 2 is also known as Jule­n­is­se­gruve (Father Christ­mas mine).

At this time, the­re is a post­box on the side of the road near mine 2b. Here, child­ren can send their let­ters to Father Christ­mas. The­re is a light bur­ning up the­re in the mine, whe­re the old man with the long beard and the red jacket is busy rea­ding all tho­se let­ters …

This hap­pens at the begin­ning of the Advent sea­son, when fami­lies and child­ren tra­di­tio­nal­ly have a torch­light pro­gres­si­on from Huset to the post­box under mine 2b and then to the cent­re of Lon­gye­ar­by­en to light the lar­ge Christ­mas tree that is stan­ding the­re.



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last modification: 2019-03-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange