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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Noorderlicht: The "Ship in Ice"

The sai­ling boat Noor­der­licht spent the arc­tic spring fro­zen into the ice of Tem­pel­fjord. 1/2

The sai­ling ship Noor­der­licht used to spend the late win­ter / spring in the fjord ice of Tem­pel­fjord, ser­ving as a desti­na­ti­on for day trips and lon­ger trips from Lon­gye­ar­by­en. You could get the­re by dog sledge or snow mobi­le, get a hot meal (only as part of a gui­ded group, to redu­ce indi­vi­du­al traf­fic) or even spend a night or lon­ger.

In 2014, the fjord didn’t free­ze ear­ly and solid enough to make the “ship in the ice” pos­si­ble, and later the pro­ject was aban­do­ned due to a com­bi­na­ti­on of incre­asing­ly unre­lia­ble ice con­di­ti­ons and dif­fi­cul­ties to obtain the neces­sa­ry per­mits.

The sai­ling boat Noor­der­licht spends the arc­tic spring fro­zen into the ice of Tem­pel­fjord. 2/2



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last modification: 2024-12-08 · copyright: Rolf Stange