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Midterhuken: Gåsberget

Scenic perl of nature in Bellsund

Gåsberget, Midterhuken. Map

The moun­tain ridge Gås­ber­get is loca­ted on the west side
of the pro­mi­nent moun­tain Mid­ter­hu­ken im Bell­sund.

The moun­tain Mid­ter­hu­ken (or Mid­ter­huk­fjel­let) lies pro­min­ent­ly in the midd­le of Bell­sund, hence the name, which can be trans­la­ted as ‘head­land in the midd­le’.

Mid­ter­hu­ken its­elf is 782 met­res high and quite inac­ces­si­ble, but the wes­tern spur of the moun­tain, Gås­ber­get (‘Goo­se Moun­tain’), is easi­ly acces­si­ble as part of an easy tour. And for the few drops of sweat of the climb, you are reward­ed with a fan­ta­stic view over the enti­re Bell­sund.

To the north, at the ent­rance to Van Mijenfjord, you can see the island of Akseløya, which stands out due to its long, nar­row shape. The tun­dra plain of Mid­ter­huks­let­ta stret­ches around Mid­ter­hu­ken clo­se to the coast to the west and ends in the small bay of Mid­ter­huk­ham­na in the south-east. The­re are sepa­ra­te pages for each of the­se (the names of the places in the text have cor­re­spon­ding links).

Pho­to gal­lery: Mid­ter­huk­fjel­let, Gås­ber­get

Various impres­si­ons and views from Gås­ber­get. You can see Akseløya and Fri­dt­jov­breen to the north and Recher­chefjord to the south. In the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty, the­re are seve­ral views towards Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and the ascent from the­re to Gås­ber­get and the tun­dra of Mid­ter­huks­let­ta with its impres­si­ve ice wedge nets.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2025-01-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange