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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2015 → Spits­ber­gen 06/30–2015/07/17

Spitsbergen with SV Antigua

30th June – 17th July, 2015

Expec­ta­ti­ons are natu­ral­ly high when you spend 18 days tra­vel­ling Spits­ber­gen, but what the­se 18 days altog­e­ther had to offer excee­ded most, if not all, expec­ta­ti­ons. Regard­less if you think of the big ani­mals, the polar bears, wal­rus­ses and wha­les, all the other wild­life, birdcliffs, reinde­er and polar fox, geese, ducks and other tun­dra dwel­lers, the sce­n­ery with all its dif­fe­rent facets. The expe­ri­ence of tra­vel­ling this ama­zing land­scape, on Anti­gua, under sail, on shore during shorter excur­si­ons and lon­ger hikes.

Neither the wea­ther, which was part­ly pret­ty fog­gy, nor the fact that a cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­on was never an opti­on con­side­ring the ice con­di­ti­ons of that time could turn any­thing to the worse. Quite the oppo­si­te, all this was part of the trip and who would wan­ted to have any­thing any dif­fe­rent?

The tri­plog is Tri­plog (Ger­man only, pdf, 14 MB). Soon, a slide­show will appear here (all par­ti­ci­pan­ts will get the long ver­si­on on DVD).

Impres­si­ons from various parts of the jour­ney on the fol­lo­wing pages (see album).


  • ant­ark­tis-31_01-10_02_2009

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.


You are curr­ent­ly vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from You­Tube. To access the actu­al con­tent, click the but­ton. Plea­se note that doing so will share data with third-par­ty pro­vi­ders.

More Infor­ma­ti­on

Spits­ber­gen with SV Anti­gua, Juni 30 – July 17, 2015



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last modification: 2019-10-31 · copyright: Rolf Stange