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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic sea­son 2012 → Spits­ber­gen 2012/07/02-19

Around Spitsbergen

SV Antigua, 02-19 July 2012

SV Antigua, Spitsbergen

Orga­ni­zed by Rolf Stan­ge

Spitsbergen Logo

and the Geo­gra­phi­sche Rei­se­ge­sell­schaft

Logo Geo-RG

On the­se pages, you can find fotos and a video clip to docu­ment our cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­on of Spits­ber­gen with SV Anti­gua. The trip was Ger­man spea­king, the tri­plog (PDF, 2,9 MB) is accor­din­gly also in Ger­man.

The rou­te
(when you click on the map
appear lar­ger ver­si­on)

Map around Spitsbergen

For a bet­ter over­view, the foto gal­lery is sub­di­vi­ded into 3 dif­fe­rent parts:

  • spitz­ber­gen-gale­rie-08


Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

  • Gal­lery 1 Day 1-6 (Lon­gye­ar­by­en-Wood­fjord)
  • Gal­lery 2 Day 7-11 (Nord­aus­t­land, Hin­lo­pen Strait)
  • Gal­lery 3 Day 12-18 (Heley­sund-Lon­gye­ar­by­en)

You are curr­ent­ly vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from You­Tube. To access the actu­al con­tent, click the but­ton. Plea­se note that doing so will share data with third-par­ty pro­vi­ders.

More Infor­ma­ti­on

Around Spits­ber­gen 02-19 July 2012 1/2.

You are curr­ent­ly vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from You­Tube. To access the actu­al con­tent, click the but­ton. Plea­se note that doing so will share data with third-par­ty pro­vi­ders.

More Infor­ma­ti­on

Around Spits­ber­gen 02-19 July 2012 2/2.



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last modification: 2019-10-31 · copyright: Rolf Stange