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Daily Archives: 11. July 2008 − News & Stories

New sta­ti­on in Ny Åle­sund

Ny Åle­sund is beco­ming incre­asing­ly popu­lar as a base for polar rese­arch. The latest new­co­mer from the far east, after Chi­na and Korea, is India, which ope­ned a sta­ti­on in ear­ly 2008. Rus­sia has alre­a­dy expres­sed inte­rest and may be the next nati­on to fol­low. Ita­ly, that has alre­a­dy a sta­ti­on in Ny Åle­sund, plans to open a “cli­ma­te tower” to con­duct atmo­sphe­ric rese­arch, which is expec­ted to be ope­ra­tio­nal in the sum­mer of 2009.

The Indi­an rese­arch sta­ti­ons in Ny Åle­sund. 

New station in Ny Ålesund

The Ger­man rese­arch sta­ti­ons in Ny Åle­sund.

The German research stations in Ny Ålesund.

Sources: Sval­bard­pos­ten, Sval­bard Sci­ence Forum


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