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Daily Archives: 15. July 2008 − News & Stories

Coal pro­duc­tion in Sveagru­va pro­fi­ta­ble

In 2008, about 2 mil­li­on tons of coal were mined alre­a­dy until ear­ly July, more than 300 000 tons more than expec­ted. This tog­e­ther with rising pri­ces on the world mar­ket makes for smi­ling faces in the manage­ment of the Nor­we­gi­an mining com­pa­ny Store Nor­ske Spits­ber­gen Kull­kom­pa­ni (SNSK), which is making pro­fit – a rare event in the long histo­ry of the com­pa­ny. SNSK expects to have paid its debts back by the end of the year. The coal is expor­ted to Euro­pe, whe­re about 60 % are used in ener­gy pro­duc­tion and 40 % in the steel indus­try.

The area of Svea from abo­ve.

Coal production in Sveagruva profitable

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten


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