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Daily Archives: 25. October 2008 − News & Stories

New Ame­ri­can report about cli­ma­te chan­ge in the Arc­tic

A new report about recent cli­ma­tic chan­ges in the Arc­tic has been published by NOAA (Natio­nal Ocea­nic and Atmo­sphe­ric Admi­nis­tra­ti­on). Click here for the report.
The beha­viour of sin­gle gla­ciers can­not be used direct­ly as an indi­ca­tor for cli­ma­te chan­ge, but the retre­at of Mona­co­b­reen in Spits­ber­gen is impres­si­ve and no more or less dra­ma­tic than that of other gla­ciers. The island in the fore­ground was under the ice of the gla­cier that can be seen in the midd­le of the pic­tu­re until no more than a few years ago. 

The beha­viour of sin­gle gla­ciers can­not be used direct­ly as an indi­ca­tor for cli­ma­te chan­ge, but the retre­at of Mona­co­b­reen in Spits­ber­gen is impres­si­ve and no more or less dra­ma­tic than that of other gla­ciers. The island in the fore­ground was under the ice of the gla­cier that can be seen in the midd­le of the pic­tu­re until no more than a few years ago.

New American report about climate change in the Arctic

Source: NOAA


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