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Daily Archives: 12. November 2008 − News & Stories

New muse­um in Lon­gye­ar­by­en: Sval­bard Air­ship Muse­um will open on 15 Novem­ber

After a long time with a lot of work, the Sval­bard Air­ship Muse­um will open its doors on 15 Novem­ber. It is dediac­ted to the air­ship exped­ti­ti­ons that were laun­ched in Vir­go­ham­na (1906-09) and Ny Åle­sund to reach the North Pole. The new muse­um is loca­ted in the for­mer cow­shed (whe­re the Sval­bard­mu­se­um was until a few years ago).

The famous air­ship mast near Ny Åle­sund under con­s­truc­tion in 1926. It was used by Roald Amund­sen to launch the Nor­ge and to years later again during Umber­to Nobile’s Ita­lia-expe­di­ti­on.

New museum in Longyearbyen: Svalbard Airship Museum will open on 15 November

Source: Sval­bard Air­ship Muse­um


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