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Daily Archives: 13. May 2009 − News & Stories

First oil field  in the Barents sea opens in 2013

The Nor­we­gi­an govern­ment has given per­mis­si­on to exploit the oil field “Goli­at” with an esti­ma­ted 174 mil­li­on bar­rels oil north of Ham­mer­fest. Pro­duc­tion is sup­po­sed to start in 2013 under strict envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons. Goli­at will be the first Nor­we­gi­an oil field in the arc­tic Barents sea; “Snøh­vit” which is alre­a­dy in use is sole­ly a gas field.

Fos­sil fuels: future tech­no­lo­gy for the Arc­tic, at least accor­ding to Nor­we­gi­an plans
(this is the coal power plant in Barents­burg, admit­ted­ly slight­ly pole­mi­cal)

First oil field  in the Barents sea opens in 2013

Source: Nor­we­gi­sche Regie­rung Pres­se­mit­tei­lung


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