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Daily Archives: 5. August 2009 − News & Stories

Groun­ding of Rus­si­an ship at Bjørnøya IV

All oil deri­va­tes (die­sel, lubri­ca­ti­on oil) has been remo­ved from the Rusi­an free­zing ship Petro­za­vodsk, that ran aground near the sou­thern tip of Bjørnøya on 11 May. Ope­ra­ti­ons were com­ple­ted on 05 August. Smal­ler spills of oil from the wreck did not cau­se any envi­ron­men­tal dama­ge, accor­ding to field bio­lo­gists.

The Rus­si­an owner com­pa­ny is theo­re­ti­cal­ly obli­ged to remo­ve the wreck, but is unli­kely to do so as actu­al cos­ts are expec­ted to exceed tho­se that the com­pa­ny legal­ly has cover. The future of the wreck is the­r­e­for unclear, but at least it does not impo­se any major envi­ron­men­tal hazard any­mo­re.

Pum­ping ope­ra­ti­on at the wreck of Petro­za­vodsk. Foto © Kyst­ver­ket

Grounding of Russian ship at Bjørnøya IV

Source: Kyst­ver­ket


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