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Daily Archives: 11. March 2010 − News & Stories

Fewer ships during sum­mer sea­son 2010

Fewer small crui­se ships (so-cal­led expe­di­ti­on ships) will visit Spits­ber­gen during the upco­ming sum­mer sea­son of 2010. The reasons include the eco­no­mic­al cri­sis, but also new safe­ty requi­re­ments, espe­ci­al­ly new fire-fight­ing (sprink­ler) sys­tems that are very cos­t­ly to install.

Seve­ral ships that have been crui­sing Spitsbergen’s coast exten­si­ve­ly during recent years will not return again: Ori­go (25 pas­sen­ger capa­ci­ty), Gri­go­riy Mik­heev (44), Ale­xey Marys­hev (44), Pro­fes­sor Molch­a­nov (54) and Pro­fes­sor Mul­ta­novs­kiy (54). The recent deve­lo­p­ment is to replace the­se smal­ler ships with a les­ser num­ber of slight­ly lar­ger, modern ones.

Will not come back: MV Pro­fes­sor Mul­ta­novs­kiy (here in Green­land).

Fewer ships during summer season 2010

Source: AECO


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