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Daily Archives: 22. June 2010 − News & Stories

Field poli­ce ope­ra­ti­ve

In late June, 3 teams of field inspec­tors were brought to their respec­ti­ve working are­as by the Sys­sel­man­nen. The teams con­sist of two per­sons, one poli­ce offi­cer and one per­si­on with a back­ground in natu­ral histo­ry. They are initi­al­ly based in Mag­da­le­nefjord, Ny Åle­sund and Isfjord, but often use huts fur­ther north and nor­the­ast, such as in Vir­go­ham­na (Dan­s­køya) or Mus­ham­na (Wood­fjord). The main task of the teams is to con­trol all traf­fic in the area, main­ly sai­ling boats and crui­se ships.

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen


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