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Daily Archives: 23. February 2013 − News & Stories

Barents­burg: Spitsbergen’s stron­gest popu­la­ti­on growth

Barents­burg is curr­ent­ly the sett­le­ment with the stron­gest popu­la­ti­on growth in Spits­ber­gen: in ear­ly 2013, the offi­ci­al num­ber of inha­bi­tants was 471 per­sons or 101 more than 2 years ago. Lon­gye­ar­by­en has, in com­pa­ri­son, seen a plus of 30 during the same peri­od. The mini­mum was rea­ched in Barents­burg in 2010 with 370 per­sons.

The annu­al coal pro­duc­tion has chan­ged litt­le and is still near 120,000 tons, a frac­tion of the pro­duc­tion of modern coal mines else­whe­re. The seams are said to last for ano­ther 12-15 years. Bey­ond mining, future fields of eco­no­mic growth are sup­po­sed to be tou­rism and rese­arch. The­re may also be a new Rus­si­an coal mine in Coles­da­len, but a decis­i­on about this is not expec­ted befo­re 2015.

“Our desti­na­ti­on: com­mu­nism”. This old sign is only of doubtful nost­al­gic value. Barentsburg’s future is sup­po­sed to be rather capi­ta­li­stic.


Source: NRK


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