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Daily Archives: 25. September 2013 − News & Stories

Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com on face­book

Now you can fol­low spitsbergen-svalbard.com on face­book. As pro­ba­b­ly the last ones in the busi­ness, we have recent­ly estab­lished a face­book page. Posts are more fre­quent the­re than in the spitsbergen-svalbard.com news sec­tion, not only inclu­ding important stuff from the arc­tic, but also small sto­ries from polar voy­a­ges fresh from the field, news from the polar book fac­to­ry, gems from the pho­to archi­ve, … from real news to the occa­sio­nal just purely fun­ny post. You will find all posts both in Eng­lish and in Ger­man.

We are loo­king for­ward to visits and „like it“ clicks at


Spitsbergen-svalbard.com (Rolf Stan­ge and MaLou, the logi­stics- and ship­ping depart­ment)

Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com on face­book

Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com on facebook


News-Listing live generated at 2024/December/12 at 14:54:19 Uhr (GMT+1)