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Daily Archives: 4. May 2014 − News & Stories

Record-brea­king num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts at Spits­ber­gen Ski­ma­ra­thon

At this year’s Spits­ber­gen Ski­ma­ra­thon, which took place today (03 May), the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts was abo­ve 800, so far an all-time record. Among­st the par­ti­ci­pan­ts was Jens Stol­ten­berg, for­mer head of the Nor­we­gi­an govern­ment and next gene­ral secre­ta­ry of Nato.

The ski­ers could enjoy a per­fect ear­ly May day with blue ski­es, suns­hi­ne, calm air and tem­pe­ra­tures slight­ly below zero. The Nor­we­gi­an Eldar Røn­ning was, as expec­ted, fas­test man. Among­st the women, Celi­ne Bru­ne-Lie was the first one to com­ple­te the mara­thon distance.

On June 07, mara­thon run­ners from many count­ries will start for the nor­t­hern­most regu­lar mara­thon that is held annu­al­ly.

Spits­ber­gen Ski­ma­ra­thon (archi­ve image, 2013).

Spitsbergen Skimarathon


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