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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Daily Archives: 24. July 2014 − News & Stories


Again, a day like a who­le week. Actual­ly far to much to digest it pro­per­ly, that will come later. It star­ted with 2 Fin wha­les fee­ding lazi­ly around the ship at 6 o’clock in the mor­ning, no more than 6 hours after last night’s bear sight­ing. A good night’s sleep is a good fri­end who is rare­ly visi­ting under the mid­night sun.

Some exer­cise helps to for­get that, and we got ple­nty of it in Lom­fjord. Who would mind a few rain­drops if you can have the view over Lom­fjord and across Hin­lo­pen Strait?

Dis­co­ve­ring „new“ places is the salt in the soup for many tra­ve­lers, cer­tain­ly for me, and the oppor­tu­ni­ty came in Lom­fjord. Just some time left befo­re din­ner to jump ashore on a litt­le pen­in­su­la that nobo­dy knows, whe­re nobo­dy ever goes ashore, as far as I know. The water near the shore was so deep that Cap­tain Joa­chim park­ed the Anti­gua in the gra­vel to keep the ship sta­ble for a while, we could have jum­ped down onto the beach from the bow.

The ruin of a trapper’s hut, exact­ly 90 years old now. Built of drift­wood and stones, it must have been nice in its ear­ly days, small, though. Now, the wind is blo­wing through emp­ty win­dow frames.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Seve­ral hundred thou­sands of Brünich’s Guil­l­emots for des­sert, ser­ved on ama­zing ver­ti­cal basalt cliffs, a good smell of gua­no and a lot of fresh sal­ty air. An ama­zing place!


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