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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Daily Archives: 7. August 2014 − News & Stories

Horn­sund, Süd­kap

Last night, we sai­led the west coast down to Hyt­te­vi­ka, just north of Horn­sund. A calm ancho­ra­ge, what else would you want?

Trap­per legends like Wan­ny Wold­stad and Odd Ivar Ruud all had their good reasons to make Hyt­te­vi­ka their home for their arc­tic hun­ter lives. On a nice day like today, it is an arc­tic para­di­se. A cosy hut, hid­den behind quar­zi­te rocks. Reinde­er on mos­sy tun­dra, screa­ming Litt­le auks high up on the slo­pes.

Horn­sund, howe­ver, was not in good shape today. Win­dy and most­ly grey and rai­ny. Not a place to be today. So we left quick­ly from the­re, hoping for more luck on the outer coast. Still, win­dy. But our fearless skip­per Hein­rich took Arc­ti­ca II through Mesund, bet­ween the islands off the sou­thern tip of Spits­ber­gen, saving us from many uncom­for­ta­ble miles.


A calm ancho­ra­ge was all we wan­ted at the end of the day, and we found it in Isbuk­ta. Mid­night reinde­er stew roun­ded the day nice­ly off.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/January/24 at 03:38:31 Uhr (GMT+1)