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Daily Archives: 22. June 2016 − News & Stories

Around Jan May­en – 22nd June 2016

We can’t igno­re it any­mo­re, today is the day to put Base­camp down and to say good­bye to Jan May­en. At least, we have got good wea­ther, which makes ever­y­thing much simp­ler and more plea­sant. Wea­ther rules ever­y­thing here!

And we still have got time to sail around Jan May­en. The migh­ty Bee­ren­berg is gree­ting us seve­ral times by show­ing its white crown through holes in the clouds, then we pass Wey­precht­breen and the other gla­ciers which are rea­ching the shore on the nor­t­hern side. Quite impres­si­ve, as they come kree­ping down the slo­pes of Bee­ren­berg, wild­ly crev­as­sed, fro­zen rivers of bro­ken blocks of ice.

Gal­lery 1 – Around Jan May­en – 22nd June 2016

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

At the nor­t­hern tip, we pass by the youn­gest part of Jan May­en, which came into exis­tance during a vol­ca­nic erup­ti­on in 1970. On the east coast, more gla­ciers reach the sea, and steep coas­tal cliffs allow rare views of the insi­de of a vol­ca­no. Then Eggøya is coming into view, and over the next cou­ple of hours, Mid and Sør Jan are pas­sing by, whe­re we could make so many memo­rable expe­ri­en­ces in recent days, the sta­ti­on, Kapp Wien …

Gal­lery 2 – Around Jan May­en – 22nd June 2016

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Then we are back at sea. Three days sai­ling back to Ice­land.


News-Listing live generated at 2024/December/10 at 03:04:32 Uhr (GMT+1)